This is a very common issue in Microstrategy 10. When we try to modify the source table list of an attribute form the following error message is shown "Object BaseAttributeForm has already been deleted or is in an invalid state".
Reason : This is a bug in the Microstrategy 10.
What do I do : This issue occurs only if the the table you want to remove comes before any other selected tables of sorted alphabetically.
For example, you had three tables selected A, B, C. Now you want to remove table A from the list. All you have do is
1. Rename A as D(anything that begins with D onwards),
2. Update schema then open the attribute editor again.
3. Now remove table D and Save and close. Update schema.
4. Rename D as C again.
You are good to go :)
Thank you so much for reading!
Image source: Microstrategy technical support
Reason : This is a bug in the Microstrategy 10.
What do I do : This issue occurs only if the the table you want to remove comes before any other selected tables of sorted alphabetically.
For example, you had three tables selected A, B, C. Now you want to remove table A from the list. All you have do is
1. Rename A as D(anything that begins with D onwards),
2. Update schema then open the attribute editor again.
3. Now remove table D and Save and close. Update schema.
4. Rename D as C again.
You are good to go :)
Thank you so much for reading!