Logistic regression is a classification technique used to determine the most likely outcome from a set of finite values. The term logistic comes from the logit function, shown below:
Notice how this function tends to push values to zero or one; the more negative the x-axis value becomes, the logit function approaches a value of zero; the more positive the x-axis value becomes, it approaches a value of one. This is how regression, a technique originally used to calculate results across a wide range of values, can be used to calculate a finite number of possible outcomes.
The technique determines the probability that each outcome will occur. A regression equation is created for each outcome and comparisons are made to select a prediction based on the outcome with the highest likelihood.
Evaluating logistic regression using a confusion matrix
As with other categorical predictors, the success of a logistic regression model can be evaluated using a confusion matrix. The confusion matrix highlights the instances of true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives. For example, a model is used to predict the risk of heart disease as Low, Medium, or High. The confusion matrix would be generated as follows:
Proper analysis of the matrix depends on the predictive situation. In the scenario concerning heart disease risk, outcomes with higher false positives for Medium and High Risk are favored over increased false negatives of High Risk. A false positive in this case encourages preventative measures, whereas a false negative implies good health when, in fact, significant concern exists.
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